Asthma action plan for toddler

My 2-year-old daughter was given a 3-month action plan to manage her wheezing episodes, even though ideally, she wasn’t diagnosed with asthma but had a medical note that says she has “hypersensitivity airways”. This is the action plan given by the doctor. Note that you should always seek medical advice for the asthma condition of your child or for yourself. The action plan provided below should not override the medical advice or treatment plan provided by your doctor.

Well Zone – When you are WELL, with no cough, wheeze, breathlessness, chest tightness or night waking

Use your controller medicine(s) DAILY to control your asthma, so that you can stay well

Use a spacer with your inhaler to get the medicine into your lungs more effectively with very little side effects

CAUTION Zone – When you are UNWELL, or when there is a smoke haze with PSI more than 100

Flixotide (50 mcg) 2 puffs 1 time daily

Continue using / step up your controller medicine(s)

Avoid exercise and outdoor activities

In addition, follow Action Plan 1 or 2 below, according to how unwell you feel

Action Plan 1 – Slightly unwell with symptoms of a cold only – fever, runny nose, sore throat, mild cough

Start reliever medicine. When well, go to Well Zone. If not better, or symptoms get worse, follow Action Plan 2.

reliever medicine is salbutamol, 2 puffs, 6 to 8 hrly daily for a few days up to a week.

Action Plan 2 – Unwell with wheezing, breathlessness or chest tightness

Step up reliever medicine. When well, go to Action Plan 1 or Well Zone.

If better, but require salbutamol 4 hrly for more than 2 days, see a doctor review

If no improvement, go to Danger Zone

Danger Zone – When you are FEELING BAD, asthma getting worse fast, reliever medicine not helping, or breathing hard and fast

See a doctor NOW – Do NOT wait

Continue reliever medicine much more frequently, until medical attention is available

Call for an ambulance if needed.

Disclaimer: Action plan provided is for informational purposes only and does not represent medical advice provided by this website. 

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